Combine Shopping and paid search intelligence to dominate the ad space for your key queries

For each of your SKUs we automatically create the most relevant keyword list and text ads.

Full product coverage in a heartbeat

Automatically create your most relevant keyword list and search ads for each product and category.

Your company's Shopping ad and text ad appearing profitably for generic search terms on mobile means capturing more ad space on a screen.

Enhanced visibility on search results

Be present for the most valuable queries and maximise visibility across paid search and shopping results.

Increase ad rank and engagement rate for every SKU to achieve the highest relevance scores.

Product specific ads for high relevancy 

Increase your rank and engagement rates with feed-based search ads ensuring the highest relevancy for each search query.

Ready to start seeing better results?

Get in touch with one of our search ad experts

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This service is available to Bidnamic clients using our Google Shopping Management service.

Search ads are an optional additional service powered by the same campaign data insights uncovered through our machine learning technology.

Search Ad Management is available to clients who have been using our Google Shopping Management service for at least three months.

This ensures the best results from your search ads. The more campaign data we have, the better our technology will be able to automatically optimise your search ads.

This service includes Google and Bing ads.

Profit focused bidding for every SKU.
Bidnamic Google Shopping Management

Transform Google Shopping
into your unfair advantage

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Google Shopping best practices and insights

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