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Parts retailer turns Shopping from a money drain to a profitable platform

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Bathroom Spare Parts boosts revenue and ROAS using machine learning
Bathroom Spare Parts boosts revenue and ROAS using machine learning

The results

Bathroom Spare Parts boast dazzling +37% YoY revenue on Shopping

The Bathroom Spare Parts team told us that success on Google Shopping meant growing their business without investing much time in the channel themselves.

Using Bidnamic’s automated bidding technology, Bathroom Spare Parts have seen dazzling results on Google Shopping: from this channel alone, the retailer has increased their year-on-year revenue 37% and their ROAS by a fifth - all the while cutting cost per acquisition by 9%.
Outsourcing Google Shopping to Bidnamic has freed up the team’s time to focus on other aspects of their business.

We’ve nurtured a strong relationship with the team at Bathroom Spare Parts, and they’ve built great trust in us. So much so, that they signed their sister sites up with Bidnamic too. 

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The challenge

Difficulty finding the true value of Google Shopping

The team at Bathroom Spare Parts were managing their Google Shopping bids in-house, but they weren’t satisfied, feeling the channel wasn’t showing them the opportunity for growth they’d hoped for. 

Paired with the complexity of bid management and the time required to do so profitably, the team at Bathroom Spare Parts weren’t finding value in Google Shopping.

Bathroom Spare Parts boosts revenue and ROAS using machine learning

Time and money-wise, we weren't getting back what we were putting in. Bidnamic has helped grow our revenue on the channel too. Henry’s service has been great, he has valuable insights and is really helpful.

Ross Bliben


The solution

Granular bidding automation with human expertise 

Bidnamic’s technology enables retailers with mammoth catalogues to adjust CPCs as many times a day as necessary, ensuring each CPC is in a sweet spot for targeting enough traffic without losing profitability. 

Our technology also collects search term data for each SKU, determining purchase intent for every search using variables like CTR and CR. Performance data and a full report of search term data are provided to the client via a personalised dashboard in their Data Studio account.

What makes us different from other automated tools is our service: our Customer Success Managers schedule weekly calls to check in with clients, provide feedback and advice, and plan for future campaigns.

Bathroom Spare Parts boosts revenue and ROAS using machine learning

The scoop

Replacement part retailer offers dozens of bathroom part brands

Boasting 12,000 five-star reviews and 30 years in the industry, Bathroom Spare Parts have demonstrated the unparalleled service they offer.

Trading with over 100 companies, the bathroom parts merchant aims to offer a replacement part for every brand coming into the UK. 

Bathroom Spare Parts chose Bidnamic to manage their Google Shopping ads in 2019 and has since upgraded to additional Bidnamic services like Bing ads and Bidnamic’s CSS.

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