Google Smart Shopping blackboxes your performance and search term data

Bidnamic unlocks your data

Unlike Performance Max, we give you full access to all the data. Including search terms.

No more guess work.

Fully automated bidding, with 100% data transparency

SKU-level data as standard

Bidnamic gives you access to all this data for every product:

bullet-tick Search terms
bullet-tick Conversion rate 
bullet-tick Impressions
bullet-tick Profitability
bullet-tick Average order value
bullet-tick Cost of sale

Each SKU performs differently, with different margins, click-through rates and so on. So we bid for each SKU uniquely

Using Bidnamic's Targeted Search Term algorithm
Lounge increased revenue by 344%

Find out how

We're also here to help you interpret your data

Hands on with The Union Project

In-house expertise whenever you need it

Your dedicated client success manager is on hand to advise you every step of the way.

Allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Learn how Google Shopping data has driven growth for our clients

Bidnamic helped Holcros to identify top performers and optimize their listings

Our on-hand team worked with Holcros and their performance data to enhance their Merchant Center product listings.

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Using performance and search term data to inform your inventory decisions
Engel Coolers used the performance data from their Shopping ads to inform their strategy for Text Ads

Bidnamic enabled Engel Coolers to rise to the top of Google

Understanding their product search term data enabled Engel to better target their converting audiences. Along with reducing their CPC.

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Find out how Bidnamic's advanced data insights can give you an unfair advantage

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What else is limiting your performance?


Not enough revenue growth?

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Each sale costing too much?

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Missing out on data and insights?

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Google Shopping best practices and insights

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