Even the most experienced Google Shopping campaign managers struggle with the time-consuming task of reacting to price changes, shopper demand, and aggressive competition from the likes of Amazon and eBay.

Top performers rely on feed management software to streamline those time-consuming tasks and ensure that their product images, titles, prices, description and stock levels are automatically optimized and up-to-date.

What problems does Bidnamic Feed Management solve?

As well as being a time-consuming and utterly dull task, poor feed management can restrict your visibility on Google Shopping, and your clicks and sales as a result. Even if your listings maintain a decent visibility, your click-through rate is at risk if it doesn't communicate the details users are looking for.

Not only does using our solution to update your product attributes means you can focus on other aspects of your campaigns, but its an effective form of feed optimization.

Each SKU's attributes are filled out using converting search term data collected from your Google Shopping campaigns at a granular level. This way, we can keep your product feed up-to-date using compatible search terms to boost your relevancy.

And the greater your product’s relevancy is to the shopper’s search term, the less you will need to spend to capture the right spot on the carousel, and the better your click-through rate (CTR). 

Finally, we optimize the attributes shoppers actually see on Google Shopping like images, titles and product descriptions, so you win the click now you've got their attention.

Feed Management ROAS calculator using category benchmarks

We use category benchmarks to identify optimization opportunities for our clients.

In this common example, the retailer's CTR is below average for their category, and the primary cause of the underperformance is the low quality of their product feed. They're getting the impressions, but not clicks.

Client's current performance

Performance if their CTR matched their industry average
Impressions 1,000,000 1,000,000 -
Click-through rate 0.84% 1.08% + 0.24%
Clicks 8,400 10,800 + 2,400
Revenue $56,000pm $72,000pm + $18,000pm

As a baseline, we calculated that by increasing their CTR to the industry average, this retailer could increase their revenue from Google Shopping by 29%, or £18,000 per month.

Why should you use Bidnamic Feed Management?

Bidnamic’s approach to Feed Management is to optimize your product attributes using SKU-level converting search term data collected from your Google Shopping campaigns.

This way, we keep your product feed up-to-date with the latest compatible search terms, to boost your relevancy and increase your CTR.

Below is real client data from before and after we implemented Bidnamic Feed Management, and the results we generated without increasing their spend.

  Before After Difference
Impressions 2,811,446 2,982,598 + 6.1%
Clicks 32,171 35,031 + 8.9%
Conversions 841.2 873.2 + 3.8%
CPC £0.29 £0.26 - 8.53%
CTR 1.14% 1.17% + 2.64%
Impressions/$ 302.06 / $ 321.74 / $ + 6.52%


By improving the quality of their product feed, this client’s impressions grew by 6.1% and clicks by 8.9%. They were also able to increase conversions by 3.8%.  All this while cutting their CPC by 8.5% and gaining more impressions for every pound invested.

Overall this boosted their revenue by 4% without increasing their ad spend.

What's next?

You can use the above model and case study to build a business case to take your feed management to the next level.

Are you meeting your industry's average CTR? Find out with our Performance Benchmarking tool

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