English - United States
Finding your Google Ads customer identification number (CID), also known as your Google Ads ID, is an easy process. Your CID number can be used to identify each ad in your Google Ads account. Google will usually ask for your CID when you contact support, so it can be a handy thing to have.

At Bidnamic we ask our potential clients to provide us with their Google Ads CID to gain access to their Google Shopping data. We then use this data for an audit to determine how good of a fit a client would be for our technology.

You can find your CID in both Google Ads and the Merchant Center.

How do I find my CID on Google Ads?

Having logged into your Google Ads account, take a look at the top right of the navigational bar on the main overview page.

Click on the ‘help’ icon, (1), and then you’ll find your CID at the bottom of the popup (2).

If you’re logged into a Manager account, take a look at the top right of the page where you’ll see your CID above the email address associated with the account (3).


What happens next?

Once we receive the Google Ads CID from you, we can access your Google AdWords account, allowing us to run a data analysis to better understand your SKU performance and search term data.

From there, we can put together a personalized presentation to show how we could best optimize your Shopping channel, and how well we predict our machine learning technology will perform for you.

To start the process, book a demo with one of our Google Shopping specialists today.

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