Click-through rate on both Google and Bing text ads increased by 43% with Bidnamic’s management
+52% Click-through rate
The scoop
Eden Mill is Scotland’s original single-site brewery and distillery, with the mission to revive the lost art of distilling and brewing gin, beer, and whisky in St Andrews, Scotland.
Passionate about their craft and their future, Eden Mill will open Scotland’s first carbon-neutral single malt whisky distillery in St Andrews, in time for the 150th anniversary of The Open Championships.
The state-of-the-art distillery will be located within the University of St. Andrews’ Eden Campus; power and heat for the stills will be supplied by the University’s biomass plant and solar panels on the distillery’s roof.
The challenge
Eden Mill was struggling to lucratively compete on Google Shopping using a manual approach. With only 5 top spots available, it’s a cut-throat competition for retailers in a saturated market to achieve critical visibility on the Google Shopping carousel.
Even with a relatively small SKU catalogue, it remains extremely difficult to calculate an accurate bid by monitoring all the relevant variables for each and every SKU. Failing to do so can easily jeopardise your ROAS.
Manually managing this task is extremely time-consuming, and it often transpires that once a new bid has been calculated and actioned, the accurate CPC value has already changed.
Working with Bidnamic has really helped us accelerate growth on this platform. The team really made the account easy to manage and performance-driven. We’ve been really pleased with the performance of our account over our first year working with Bidnamic.
The solution
Our machine-learning algorithm enables our clients to cut back on overbidding and reallocate their misspent budget towards highly converting SKUs.
The high-frequency automation, paired with natural language processing, allows us to bid more aggressively on search terms with proven purchase intent, based on accurate and real-time data.
Allowing an AI-powered platform to take care of hundreds of simultaneous calculations per SKU at all times of day lifts the weighty legwork faced by retailers using Google Shopping.
Our ‘human thinking’ management allows us to work hand-in-hand with your business to prepare for retail events relevant to your brand.
The results
With the aid of Bidnamic’s algorithmic platform, Eden Mill was able to grow their revenue by 95%, conversions by 106%, and cut their average CPC by 26%, all year-on-year.
Despite having only launched six months ago (at the time of writing), Eden Mill have achieved huge success across the business, earning the distillery their greatest Christmas period on Google Shopping to date.
Eden Mill has simultaneously been able to scale their Google Shopping account, release a new single malt whisky to honour local traditional fêtes and expand their exclusive craft gin offering with the unveiling of their limited edition Distiller’s Choice collection.
Book a call with one of our Google Shopping Specialists